Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives Publisher Programs


Last Updated on December 29, 2022 by Ali Abbas

Are there Alternatives to Google Adsense or did you not know about it? We will tell you everything about Google Adsense Alternatives if your Blog did not get the approval of an Adsense Account. When you start a Blog to Earn Money Online then google Adsense Publishers Program is best for your Free blog or Domain hosted Blog. If your blog was not approved by Google Adsense then you can choose different alternatives from Google Adsense.

Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives Publisher Programs
Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives Publisher Programs

Before sending your Application to Google Adsense Program follow the Google Adsense Blog Approval Tricks.

Google Adsense Alternatives Check Details

We are here the best top 5 Google Adsense Alternatives if you are thinking about other Forms of Income.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a Publisher Program that was launched back in 2003 year. This program will help the Website Publishers Program to make money when Users click on your Website Advertisement.

Which Type is Best for Google Adsense Program?

Any type of website can be approved with Google Adsense. Free website with Blogger Blogspot or WordPress-hosted domain approval is also done by Google.

Free Online tools Website

You can buy this tool from an online website or you can create it if you know about HTML, PHP, CSS, and Java Coding. smallseotools and are examples of tools Websites.

Website Blogs

This is the most common type of Website where Blog approval is very easy and you can earn a lot of money. If you are the owner of any blog and focus on target oriented content and write a long article, then google pays as much as you catch more blog traffic.


If you cant start a Blog then you can start Forum Website where people registered and Upload Content. this is the most famous way to Earn money after monetizing Forum Websites. Here is a list of websites that can be approved for a Google Adsense account.

List of Top 05 Google Adsense Alternatives you should choose if you want to earn more from your website/blog.

Medianet is at Our Top of the Adsense Alternative List. This Publisher Program is run by Yahoo. Medianet Publisher Programs are used by top world giant websites because Medianet is the best contextual ad network program. This ads program shows their ads when the search comes yahoo search engine. If you are getting huge Website traffic, then this is the best way to maximize your revenue. Yahoo Ads can also be your choice of Google Adsense Alternatives.

Medianet publishers program make money or earn money online ads google adsense alternatives


Propellarads allow Bloggers to monetize their Blog with the Best Ads Network alternative of Google Adsense. They offer Banners Ads, Push notifications, Sidebar Advertisements, and sponsored links. With little hesitation, you can join this program and get extra money from this publisher program. With AI Tester Tool, the Best multiple ads will be shown on your Website.


Adversal Publisher program

Adversal is the Best ads serving platform for your Blog available on the Internet. You can set Ads within a Few Minutes after Adversal Approval. This publisher program came with an easy to use interface which helps you to start Stop and End Any Ads Campaigns. Also, once you start the ads, you will get no technical problems controlling this.


infolinks publishers ads program to make money

Infolinks is the best AD program to earn money through your blog. We preferred it because we are using this program on one of my client’s websites. Joining the program is very easy to visit the official website and sign up with your details and submit your site for approval. Mostly Infolinks team approved your website within hours after submission.

This is Recommended Google Adsense Publishers Program by our Side.


popads publishers program to make money from your blog

When you check the name you should know what this Ads Program can do for you. Popads is the latest Popads Program that will show Advertisements as Popups on your Website. Popads Management claimed this is the best high-paying Ads Network in this kind of Publisher Program. Popup Ads Program may be Your Next option for Google Adsense Alternatives.

The Advertise of Popup ads belongs to the top 50 Countries where advertisers are willing to pay high price Ads. Also, they have a Referral Scheme, which helps to generate more income from your blog.

We think this is the best popunder system which allows you to pay the rate as per your demand when popup ads show on your blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an Alternative to Adsense?

Yes, there are hundreds of Adsense alternatives for blog owners or Pubslierhs to sign-up and start earning. We have updated only the 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives in the list and will update later on.

Is Infolinks better than Google Adsense?

This is Another Best Google Adsense Alternatives program to work with your blog. If you are getting a high volume of Organic Traffic to your Blog, then Infolinks is the best option to earn money when your blog is not monetized with Google Adsense. High Traffic means you will get high CPM and Pay Per Click Rates from Infolinks. So, you can choose it.